Bloodline Deliverance: Personal, Community & Regional Breakthrough
Course4.9 average rating (42 reviews)A theological and practical introduction to bloodline deliverance and its necessity in personal, community & regional breakthrough.
The Ekklesia: Returning to a New Testament Blueprint
CourseLaunching August 30th.
REROUTE: A Pathway Out Of Orphan-Hearted Leadership
Course5.0 average rating (14 reviews)A 15 Session course to establish a new foundation of healing and freedom that will enable you to lead from a healthy heart, an open mind and a secure identity.
The Five Fold Ministry
Course4.9 average rating (28 reviews)What is the Five Fold Ministry of Ephesians 4? What if there is a new wineskin expression of Five-Fold leadership that has the potential to mobilize and unify The Church to greater accomplish the mission of Jesus?
Manifestations: Physical Responses to Spiritual Realities
Course5.0 average rating (14 reviews)Manifestations are a physical realm response to a spiritual realm reality. God wants to bring the church into greater biblical understanding and discernment so that we can experience his tangible glory without confusion, fear or offense.
New Wineskin Era
Course5.0 average rating (9 reviews)The Church is entering a new era. God is raising up healthy five-fold leadership, healthy church communities and establishing blueprints for the expansion of the Kingdom.